DMCA Policy respects the intellectual property rights of others and complies with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") regarding the removal of infringing content from our website. This DMCA policy outlines our procedures for addressing copyright infringement claims.
Reporting Copyright Infringement:
If you believe that your copyrighted work has been infringed upon on, please submit a written notification (DMCA notice) to our designated copyright agent including the following information:
DMCA notices should be sent to:website administrator
Response to DMCA Notices:
Upon receiving a valid DMCA notice, we will take the following actions:
If you receive a notice of removal or disablement and believe that your material was removed or disabled mistakenly or misidentified, you may submit a counter-notification. The counter-notification must include:
Repeat Infringers:
We reserve the right to terminate or suspend access to by users who are repeat infringers of copyright.
Contact Information:
For questions or inquiries regarding this DMCA policy, please contact: website administrator